Learn Spanish Online

Here at Conversa, we're proud of our almost 50-year track record helping students learn Spanish online. We launched our online Spanish program back in 2007 as a means of offering our immersion students more opportunities to practice the language back home, and since then it has evolved into a full-fledged, robust online Spanish program, with all the resources and know-how that our students need to learn the language.

Young lady learning Spanish online from home

One-on-One Live Spanish Classes

This is the core of our online Spanish program, and the most valuable component in learning to speak Spanish. You attend live, one-on-one classes with your instructor using videoconferencing software (we're currently working with Zoom - works on PC/Mac/iPad/etc.). Because these are one-on-one, we'll focus on your specific needs, areas of interest, and we'll work at a pace that's right for you. This is the best way to learn Spanish online.

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Pricing for Spanish Classes

Our one-on-one online Spanish classes are billed at $30 per lesson (50-minutes long). We have an option for prepayment, resulting in a bit of a discount. In addition to the one-on-one classes, we have an option to join our Spanish workshops only.  We have scheduling policies that allow for flexibility, making it easier to set up a program that will fit your specific needs.

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Young lady travels in Latin America using Spanish learned online.

Conversa's virtual campus is a meeting place for students learning Spanish online.

Virtual Online Spanish Campus

To learn Spanish online, it really helps to have a venue - a place you call "home". Here at Conversa, we've developed a virtual online Spanish campus where our Spanish teachers and students come together for online Spanish classes, as well as for our workshops and other activities. This innovative resource brings our community of Spanish learners together day in and day out, effectively making it their "Spanish home" online.

Visit the campus

Spanish Workshops

Conversa's interactive Spanish workshops are a great way to practice your Spanish and further strengthen your ties to the Spanish-speaking community. Every week we offer a series of activities through our Virtual Online Spanish Campus to offer our students an added opportunity to use the language in a more spontaneous setting.  These workshops further strengthen the toolset that we make available to our students to help you learn Spanish online.   

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Conversa's online Spanish workshops are a great opportunity to practice the langauge in a casual and enjoyable setting.

What our students are saying about Conversa:

Learning Spanish online can be fun

I think one of Conversa's strongest selling points is the 'bench strength' of its teaching staff. It's not just that they are native speakers and have many years of experience teaching Spanish. Just as important, they have many years of experience teaching together at Conversa.

   Mark B. - Wausau, WI

Let the Adventure Begin!

Sign-up for a free trial lesson. The best way to get to know our online Spanish program is by experiencing a one-on-one lesson firsthand. Schedule your Spanish lesson today!

Join us for a trial lesson!

Why learn Spanish

The main reason you should be interested in learning Spanish is to expand your horizons. Learning a new language is like discovering a new world. Learning Spanish will allow you the opportunity to see the world in a new light and to meet and share with people you otherwise would not be able to communicate with naturally. Spanish is among the most widely spoken languages worldwide, and the number of people who speak Spanish is only growing. When you learn Spanish, you’ll become a member of this vibrant and thriving community, whether on travel throughout Latin America and Spain, or in your own neighborhood.

How long will it take to learn Spanish

There just may be more answers to the question of how long it takes to learn Spanish than there are Spanish teachers, so we’ll start by saying that this is just our take... Learning Spanish, and more importantly, using Spanish in daily life, involves active listening and speaking. If you’re in a classroom competing with 10 or more other students for talking time, you’ll benefit significantly less from every hour of class than if you’re in a one-on-one setting. This being the case, in our experience, and in the context of private Spanish classes with an experienced and well-trained Spanish teacher, with a wealth of resources at their disposal, it should take between 300 and 500 hours to achieve fluency. Now the caveat... Fluency is relative. What we mean by Spanish fluency is that you can carry out conversations about most subjects in a natural manner, understanding most (if not all) that is being said, and making minimal grammatical mistakes. Now there’s a big difference between 300 and 500 hours. What makes up that huge window? Your age, your motivation, consistency, background in other languages, opportunities to practice, willingness to make mistakes, fearlessness, etc... Oh, one more important thing. There are no guarantees. You may be among the fortunate few that can reach a high degree of fluency in just a few months, or the less fortunate that struggle to get past the survival level. However, it usually doesn’t take much more than the first 50-100 hours to figure out more or less what group you might belong to.

Recommendations to become fluent in Spanish

There are many things you can do to help you become fluent in Spanish. One of the most beneficial, which might be one of the most difficult as well, is to be fearless. Don’t strive for perfection as you embark on your Spanish journey. Quite the contrary – embrace mistakes! The more you use the language, the more quickly you’ll learn it. DO take corrections gracefully, and move on. As you’re learning Spanish, you also want to find routines that put you into the “Spanish-speaking mode”. Join activities where you know that there will be Spanish spoken. Find people within your social circles and/or work environment that speak Spanish, and make it a point to interact with them in Spanish on a regular basis. Even if these conversations are on the lighter side, “Hola. ¿Cómo estás?” “Bien, gracias. ¿Y tú qué tal?”, they’ll start to stick, and little by little, they’ll make their way into your arsenal of automatic use of the language. If you feel you’ve hit a rut, and you’re not already taking lessons with a good Spanish teacher, then perhaps it’s time to spend a little money on some one-on-one classes. There’s a lot of good content out there for learning Spanish on your own but working with an experienced teacher can give your Spanish a boost.